// Learn cc.Class: // - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html // Learn Attribute: // - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html // Learn life-cycle callbacks: // - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { speed:{ default: 50, }, moveleft:{ default: true, }, // foo: { // // ATTRIBUTES: // default: null, // The default value will be used only when the component attaching // // to a node for the first time // type: cc.SpriteFrame, // optional, default is typeof default // serializable: true, // optional, default is true // }, // bar: { // get () { // return this._bar; // }, // set (value) { // this._bar = value; // } // }, }, // LIFE-CYCLE CALLBACKS: onLoad () { this.node.on("mousedown",this.move, this); }, move(){ if(this.moveleft==true) this.node.x -= this.speed; else this.node.x += this.speed; }, start () { }, // update (dt) {}, });