問ChatGPT: 給我生成圖片的5個提示詞,主題是lofi音樂的背景圖片,要能夠營造出溫馨懷舊的lofi音樂氛圍 ChatGPT 說: 以下是 5 個可以用於生成 lofi 音樂背景圖片的提示詞: 「溫暖的房間,一盞昏黃的台燈照亮木桌,上面有一本攤開的筆記本、咖啡杯,以及老式收音機,窗外飄著柔和的月光,背景有迷霧的森林,充滿懷舊氛圍」 (A cozy room with a warm desk lamp illuminating a wooden table, an open notebook, a coffee cup, and an old radio, with soft moonlight streaming through the window and misty forest in the background, exuding nostalgia.) 「城市夜晚的小陽台,有仙人掌植物、懷舊音響和一杯熱茶,背景是繁星點綴的夜空,輕柔的音樂環繞整個場景」 (A small city balcony at night with cactus plants, a vintage speaker, and a cup of hot tea, with a starry night sky in the background and soft music filling the scene.) 「秋天的下午,落葉飄落在窗外,木質房間內擺放著黑膠唱機和書本,陽光透過紗窗灑進房間,營造出靜謐的氣氛」 (An autumn afternoon with falling leaves outside the window, a wooden room with a vinyl record player and books, sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains, creating a serene atmosphere.) 「輕快的咖啡廳角落,一把木椅、一台筆電和一杯拿鐵,牆上掛著復古畫作,窗外有雨滴打在玻璃上的細膩紋路,充滿溫馨感」 (A cozy coffee shop corner with a wooden chair, a laptop, and a latte, vintage artwork on the wall, and raindrops trickling down the window, adding a warm and cozy vibe.) 「夜晚的街道,昏黃的街燈照亮濕潤的路面,一位靜坐在長椅上的人戴著耳機,身旁放著一杯咖啡和一本書,背景是靜謐的城市燈光」 (A nighttime street with warm streetlights reflecting on wet pavement, a person sitting on a bench wearing headphones, a coffee cup and a book beside them, with quiet city lights in the background.)